Understanding the labels of good coffee can be difficult but here you get the answers
Certified Speciality Coffee
Coffee blends that are certified are definitely labelled with a unique registration number that can trace back to the origin.
Established in 1996, an association of Technical Committee was formed to establish whether or not a coffee is a “specialty” coffee.
For every country of production of green coffee, the committee establishes the essential characteristics that define its excellence. That includes the best growing areas and their ideal altitude and the best period for shipment. Producers must demonstrate the quality of their crops to be of specialty standard.
Once a year, producers must send the CSC representative samples of their coffee harvest. So its quality can be assessed. Every time it’s transported from one point to another point. Checks are done to verify the quality of every batch.
Every time a member roaster purchases a batch of coffee beans. CSC takes a sample of it when the ship arrives in port. This is sent to the cuppers who compare it with the previously cupped crop sample. Where they confirm that the quality of the two samples is the same. CSC sends the roaster the correct number of labels in proportion to the quantity of coffee purchased. These stringent checks, are the parameters of a CSC certified coffee.
For more details: caffespeciali.it

Organic agriculture
The definition “organic farming” indicates a production system that only permits the use of natural material. Occurring naturally in our ecosystem and forbid the use of chemicals. Such as synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. The production must maintain the health of the soils and its ecosystem. In order to safeguard the natural fertility of the soil. The farmers only use organic substances and offer to the consumers products that are not contaminated by chemicals and obtained through environmentally sustainable methods.
What are the main principles of the organic farming? The International Federation of Organic Agriculture (I.F.O.A.M.) established the following:
– transform as many farms as possible in a self-sufficient farming system based on the local resources.
– safeguard the natural fertility of the soil.
– avoid any form of pollution determined by farming techniques.
– produce a sufficient supply of good quality and nutritious food and other products.
In order to obtain the organic certification. Producers have to follow a strict process which includes a minimum two-year conversion period from standard to organic farming system. All the parties involved in the organic supply chain, such as Le Piantagioni del caffè. Are subjected to regular audits carried out by the control bodies which verify the compliance of their products to the standards.
Only if this procedure is strictly followed, it will be possible to show the organic label on the coffee.
Fairtrade certification
Testifies that in the production of our coffee, small local producers in developing countries have been guaranteed an adequate salary and improved living conditions. Offering them a margin that allows them to invest in community development projects and sustainable growing techniques. Fair Trade enables consumers, companies and institutions. To take regard of the social, economic and environmental consequences of their purchasing.
When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Mark. It means the producers and traders have met Fairtrade Standards which are constantly revised. The producers have to follow business development plans based on ethical principles. Such as an environmental sustainability of the agricultural process. Also it is prohibit of any discrimination among the workers, the ban of child labor, obligatory contract based hiring.
There is a commitment for traders to a long-term trading partnership that enables both sides to co-operate. Fair Trade transactions exist within an implicit “social contract” in which buyers (including final consumers) agree to do more than is expected by the conventional market. Such as paying fair prices, providing pre-finance and offering support for capacity building. Finally, the processing companies, are committed to comply with the specific requirements. Involving the use of the Fairtrade mark, the packaging of the products and the product traceability. Providing written contracts and pre-finance.
Fine Coffee Company is the first coffee beans Singapore supplier who commits to bringing the best quality coffee. All coffee are processed by professionals in Italy. From the plantation till the final retail product. We are also the first coffee beans Singapore company to bring recognition and education to authentic Italiano coffee culture.
Now you know how to read the labels of good coffee. Want to find out which is the best coffee featured by Forbes and conform to all the above standards? Check the best coffee money can get here