Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder (New Unit)


Customer’s Listing

This a clearance item by Expobar which has dissolved.
A high-performing commercial grade grinder at great value.
Take note that the packaging for this grinder is damaged but content is unaffected.

If you are searching for a professional grinder at the fairest value, your search ends at Expobar.

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    We’ll bring the grind setting closer to the proximity where it should work for making espresso using a dark roast coffee. Users may need to fine-tune further. The timer setting will not be set.

    Note the grinder will have coffee after tuning which may spill during transport.

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    Before sending, we fill the boiler with some water to eliminate air blockages that may affect 1 out of every 20 machines. This can cause users to have difficulties starting the machine and require the machine to be returned. Service does not include any onsite installation.

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Delivered in 2-3 working days.

Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder

Expobar was famous for its reliable and high performing coffee machines. They are priced at great value and were engineered in Spain.

64mm flat Burrs

Flat burrs produces very good grinds for both espresso and filtered coffee. The burrs are also cheap to replace and this makes them very suitable for coffee bars. The 64mm size should last approximately 800 KG before replacement is required.

The large flat burrs grind very fast for demanding environments.

Exceptional Grind Quality

The large flat burrs are designed for a commercial environment and could churn out many cups of coffee without much heat. Grinds are always consistent allowing baristas to have an easier time in caliberating.

Fresh on demand

Beans are better protected from oxidation when it is in bean form.
In powdered form, the surface area will increase by at least 60 times which hastens oxidation, making your coffee stale within 6 hours of exposure.
This is an on-demand grinder, meaning the beans will remain in bean form and grind only when activated.

Easy to clean nozzle

The grinder has an innovative design, it has an nozzle which can be easily removed for cleaning. It is held by magnets and do not require any special tools.

Mini Step Adjustments

The user can make tiny steps of adjustment to reach the grind setting he wants.

With the measuring scales, the user will have a reading of what grind setting he prefers.

Well-Designed Hopper

The Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder has a 1.2 KG hopper.

The user can quickly remove the hopper and return most excess beans to storage.


Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder have always been designed for commercial usage.

The hardened stainless steel and the heavy-duty motor should last well for years.

Easy Cleaning

The hopper, burrs and most parts can be removed or accessed to clean easily.

We will recommend users use the Puly Grinder Cleaner for cleaning the burrs.


What’s the main difference Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder and Bezzera’s BB005?

Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder has a better control on the timer and can grind much faster. The collar has reference markings which might make it easier to follow for grind size adjustments.  The Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder will be more convenient if you pour all your coffee into the bean hopper and use the timer to dispense coffee. That will be great if you do many coffees.

Bezzera BB005 uses a 48mm conical burr, compared to Expobar 600 On Demand Grinder’s 64mm flat conical, Conical burrs produce grinds that are rounder to give a better yield. Flat burrs are good for both filtered and espresso coffee. 

Type..On Demand Grinder
Usage..Prosumer or moderate commercial use (Up to 3.5kg a day)
Burrs..Flat 64 MM
Hopper Capacity..1.2 KG
Grinding speed..6-9KG/HR
UV Protected Hopper..No
Dosage..Yes (Pre programmed buttons)
Place of Production..Shanghai
Place of Assembly..Shanghai
Dimension..210 x 330 x 560 MM
Net Weight..13 KG
Gross Weight..15 KG
Power Supply..230V
Nominal Power..350W
Warranty..1 month


Please note that the warranty does not cover the burrs.
The burrs are made with exceptionally strong material and there’s no way it be can damaged by grinding coffee beans in a year in a normal commercial environment unless abused.
The grinder is not meant for industrial or production use.

That includes but not limited to the following:
Usage of grinder to grind other material. Usage of poorly processed beans with stones within. Or usage of grinders in a non-domestic environment.

Link to product: Expobar 600 OD Grinder

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