Bezzera BB005 Coffee Grinder
Past 10 years record
Total defects due to mechanical defects or malfunctioning: 0.2%.
Total number of motors failure since debut: 0
Practical and sturdy. The Bezzera BB005 grinder is definitely one of the most value for money grinder you can get, with grind quality not losing to the commercial line. It’s the perfect equipment to fit all environment for small to medium capacity consumption. It’s capable of grinding coffee for espresso, as well as for drip.
In stock
Delivered in 2-3 working days.
A reliable coffee grinder that gives you a high-quality grind, comparable to commercial models at a fraction of the price.
You can use it to match any demanding coffee machine with its true step-less grind setting.
If you do not need very quick grinding of coffee for high turnover, the Bezzera BB005 should fulfil what you need to get a decent espresso.
Great for single dosing.
A quick guide for owners:
- Stated at 2:03, the video states that a new grinder should be turned 25 full rounds to get it closer to espresso grind size. This is no longer true.
We suggest turning 7 to 10 complete rounds and fine-tuning from there instead. - In the video, the stated 25ml (+-2.5ml) in 25 seconds is from each sprout. The total content should be 50ml (+-5ml) in 25 seconds for a double portafilter.
- 25ml in 25 seconds is closer to the Italiano standard.
- If you are using a medium or lighter roast, pure Arabica, we will suggest increasing the dosage to 16g to 22g. The more coffee is used, the easier it is to extract with a nice crema.
- If your produced espresso is too bitter, you can consider shortening the extraction to 20 seconds which should reduce the astringent. A 15 seconds extraction is a ristretto.
- You can drag the extraction a little longer if it’s a bit too acidic.
48mm Conical Burrs
Conical burrs have a wider grind surface.
The Bezzera BB005 grinder spins at a slower speed of around 800 revolutions per minute (RPM).
This is generally a lot slower than grinders with flat burrs of similar size.
It means there will be less heat created, and heat will be well dispersed onto its wider grind area, which keeps the flavour of the coffee from burning off.
This can produce a noticeable improvement for medium or lightly roasted Arabica coffee.
Grind quality is more consistent as the grinds will have to go through more area before it exits.
The shape of the grinds coming from conical burrs is generally round. Compared to flat burrs, which usually create grinds that are more elongated.
This should produce a better yield and a better body for the espresso as the coffee can be ground finer and packed more compactly.
As well as improving the consistency of each extraction.
Conical burrs are generally more durable than flat burrs.
Despite being smaller at 48mm, the grind quality produced from Bezzera BB005’s 48mm conical burr is significantly better than bigger 54mm flat burrs.
The grind quality is comparable to the bigger 64mm flat burrs. Albeit it is a little slower.
Fresh on demand
Coffee beans oxidize most of their oil and flavours in minutes once they are ground into powder.
As the exposed surface area will increase exponentially, hastening oxidation inside out.
This is an on-demand coffee grinder, meaning the beans will be ground and dosed into the portafilter for immediate use only when required.
No grinders are easy to use. All grinders have to be calibrated to match the coffee and techniques used.
The Bezzera BB005 coffee grinder is designed for precise control.
The grinder can get to the exact fineness that you require with its worm gear step-less grind setting.
The grinder has a timer to dose the amount of coffee according to the duration set.
To activate, hit the button conveniently located under the nozzle with the portafilter, and it will dose the powder directly onto it.
True Stepless Adjustments
We can’t repeat enough that this is a true stepless grinder.

In a stepped grinder setting, you move in mini steps. In the stepped grinder seen above, you move approximately 2mm for each adjustment step.
Sometimes, one step forward makes it too fine, and one step backwards makes it too coarse.
The Bezzera BB005 can make micro-adjustments, making tiny and precise adjustments until you hit the spot you require.
The grinder can be set indefinitely, and you can get as fine as you want to handle any top-end commercial-level espresso machines
Straight feeding collar for single dosing
Coffee that goes into the hopper goes into the burrs directly. There are no ledges, crevices or wide flat areas for beans to retain at the neck of the hopper.

Well-Designed Hopper
The Bezzera BB005 had been designed with a small hopper to accommodate 250g of beans.
The hopper has been tinted blue. This colour best reduces coffee damage from UV light.
Unbelievable Durability
A coffee grinder has to endure a lot of rough work during usage.
One of the worst things to happen to the grinder is when a foreign object enters the grinder and busts the grinder up.
Foreign objects can be stones, nails or anything hard that has been mixed with the coffee during the production process.
Usually, both the coffee roasters and the coffee farmers will conduct destoning with specialised equipment.
But given the cost, time and manpower required, it is not uncommon that the process was not practised.
The Bezzera BB005 coffee grinder has a clever design to sacrifice a nylon gear assembly instead of the motor if something hard gets into the grinding chamber.
In fact, to this day with hundreds of BB005 already sold, we had not seen a single motor fail!
Bezzera deliberately designed the grinder not to have too many fanciful functions that the user may or may not find necessary.
This reduces the chance of part failures from excessive components.
Overall, despite that coffee grinders are the kind of appliances that can get badly ravaged over time.
The Bezzera BB005 is an exceptional case. It is one of those devices we are not surprised to see still working after a few decades under normal usage.
In addition to that, we provide documentation on how to maintain the grinder. How to clean the Bezzera BB005 grinder or clear coffee jam
This information should provide additional support to help the device to last a lot better.
Stainless Steel Chassis
The housing of the Bezzera BB005 grinder is made of brushed stainless steel. Most grinders within this price range offer plastic covers.
Easy Cleaning
The nozzle is wide to reduce the chance of retention.
A tap on the nozzle will drop off most retained coffee trapped in it.
Coffee stuck at the nozzle can accumulate, harden and eventually cause the grinder to get stuck.
Having said that, it’s still possible for any grinders to accumulate coffee over time.
To help users with this, we have detailed instructions below on how to clean the grinder best.
The grinder comes with a stainless steel bottom tray that collects coffee grinds falling off. It is easily detachable for cleaning
General Instructions
Put the machine on a plane surface that can take your machine’s weight and dimension.
Do not use water to clean the machine or be too close to a water source.
To ensure regular operation, the equipment should be installed where the temperature is between 5 to 32 degrees Celsius.
If the device is placed in a location with humidity exceeding 70%, there’s a higher chance for the coffee powder to cake and jam the grinder. As such, the nozzle should be removed and vacuumed more regularly.
The machine is electrically powered and requires a power supply connection for operation.
Understanding the coffee grinder
Using the grinder for the first time
1. Turn 7-10 FULL rounds at the grind setting towards (-) before pouring any beans. (Ignore this if we already tuned your grinder before delivery)
2. Remove the hopper cover and pour the correct amount of coffee beans into the hopper.
( Attention: It is forbidden to use any material other than coffee beans on the grinder. The grinder contains moving parts which can be dangerous; You should never insert your finger or other objects into the grinder.)
3. Close the cover.
4.. Insert the plug into your power socket.
5. Press the main switch to switch it on. The lights will be lit.
6. Fine-tune the coffee grinder according to your preference.
7. Try to achieve 15 to 25ml from each spout of the filter holder in 20 seconds. Counting from the first drip, not the pump starts.
Warning: Like any coffee grinder, do not make huge grind adjustments unnecessarily to prevent beans from getting stuck.
Grind adjustment control
- Bezzera BB005 grind adjustment control
- Rotating clockwise towards the – direction == > For finer powder.
Rotating anti-clockwise towards the + direction ==> For coarser powder.
This is a very important section so pay attention.
Grind adjustment affects the flow rate, greatly impacting the taste profile.
The coffee grinder is provided with a stepless adjustment gear for infinite possibilities.
The factory default is set on medium grind coarseness.
Users must flush the grinder every time they did an adjustment. That is to grind away some coffee to get rid of coffee powder retained in the grinder from the last setting.
Pro tip:
As this is a stepless grinder, making one full round only gives you a slight adjustment.
If your extraction is coming out too fast or too slow, you may need to make many rounds to adjust.
We suggest that for every 5ml too fast or slow, adjust 1 full round.
Example 1:
In 20 seconds of extraction, it produced 70ml instead of 40ml espresso.
It has an excess of 30ml. We suggest turning 6 full turns clockwise to tighten the burrs
Example 2:
In 20 seconds of extraction, it produced 20ml instead of 40ml espresso.
It has a shortage of 20ml. We suggest turning 4 full turns anti-clockwise to release the burrs
Remember to flush the grinder after each adjustment.
Dose adjustment control

When you press the ‘Grinder Activation Button’ under the nozzle, the grinder will grind for a duration depending on what’s set on this ‘Dose adjustment control’.
This is an analogue control with a few markings on the knob.
The line on the knob(seen above) is for the shortest duration, usually used for flushing the grinder or grinding just a bit more.
The dots represent the dosage. The more dots, the longer it will spin during activation and the more coffee powder you will get.
Calibrating the BB005 Grinder
What do you need?
We suggest you get a digital scale that measures up to 0.1g.
As well as a few measuring cups.
Keep a few things in mind:
- It is not unexpected that you will need to tune a little every time you use a new bag of beans as every bag is slightly different.
- Crema is mainly on the nature of the roast level of the coffee. Dark roast coffee being more oily, form a thicker crema.
- Coffee with a mix of robusta beans normally forms thicker crema and is much easier to extract.
- It takes a lot of turns to produce any effect, as this is a stepless grinder. Please refer to the “grind adjustment” information above to understand better.
- If you are using a light roast coffee, it’s not unexpected that the crema is thin or the body is weak.
- Light roast coffee should not be subjected to the same crema test as they belong to a new trend, and the tests on crema were invented when the dark roast was the mainstream.
The suggestions below are our recommended settings based on making a double shot using the double sprout filter holder with a double basket.
Users can go with their preference for calibration.
Step 1: Deciding how much coffee to use
This is totally up to your preference, but we can give you some ideas.
Coffee used for double shots (Original Italian standard): | 14g to 15g |
Coffee used for double shots (By most baristas in the rest of the world | 18g to 22g |
The less coffee you use, the higher the difficulty.
Using more coffee can be forgiving as you will have more oil to compensate.
If you are new, we will suggest sticking to at least 18g of coffee.
Step 2: Flush your grinder before your first use of the day or each time you change the grind setting
This is an everyday task.
Flush the grinder means you need to grind away some beans and flush out coffee retained from the last session.
This eliminates stale coffee retained in the grinder or coffee grinds with a different coarseness from the last setting.
Step 3: Getting the grind setting right
You will need a weighing scale that can measure up to 0.1 grams.
This is the most important part. Grind setting affects the resistance of the water flowing through.
If it’s flowing too fast, the resistance is too little, the grind size is too coarse, and vice versa. It’s not rocket science.
Take note that the following instructions are based on making a double shot using the double sprout filter holder with a double basket
You can choose one of the methods below.
Method 1 Measure the beans first
The advantage of this method is there’s less coffee being left in your grinder. This keeps the freshness of your beans under better control.
This is easy for anybody to follow without messing up, which is particularly good if you want to teach a novice or someone who knows nothing.
It will also be easier to swap between different coffee.
- Measure the weight of the coffee beans you intend to use.
- Throw all the beans inside the hopper
- Grind all the coffee beans out.
- Tamp and ready to extract
Method 2 Measure the coffee powder
This method is similar but can be more efficient in making shots simultaneously.
- Fill up the hopper with some coffee.
- Tare the weight of your portafilter.
- Grind enough coffee powder into the portafilter until it hits your desired weight. Remove the excess if necessary.
- Tamp and ready to extract
To activate the grinding, you must hit the ‘Grinder Activation Button’ under the nozzle, with your portafilter.
The grinder will grind depending on the setting from the ‘Dose adjustment control’.
Pro tip:
You may want to knock the nozzle after grinding. This drops most of whatever is retained in the nozzle.
Step 4: Check the grind setting
After you grind the right amount into your basket, tamp it, it’s time to make a shot.
From the amount of coffee extracted in 20 seconds, you will see if the flow rate is acceptable.
You will need a measuring cup for this, and our method goes by measuring the amount in ml.
Measuring by ml is easier to follow and more efficient in your workflow.
You count your extraction time from the first drip that appears, not from the moment you activate your espresso machine’s pump
If you get 40 to 50ml total from both sprouts in 20 seconds. That’s the desired flow rate.
That means each sprout is extracted at about 1ml per second.
If it’s dripping slowly or it’s hardly coming out.
You will have to reduce the resistance by
i) making the grind size coarser.
ii) decrease the amount of coffee used.
If it’s gushing out watery espresso.
Your pressure gauge may also show that the pressure is too low as everything is escaping too quickly before pressure can build up.
You will have to increase the resistance by
i) make the grind size coarser
ii) increase the amount of coffee used.
Every time you change the grind setting, you must flush the grinder as mentioned in step 2.
Pro tip 1:
How do you know if you should change the grind size or the amount of coffee used?
If the resulting amount is off by more than 20ml, tune the grind setting.
Else instead of tuning the grind setting, tune the amount of coffee used for a slight adjustment
Pro tip 2:
How many rounds should I turn to adjust the grind size?
This is not the most accurate, but we suggest turning one full round in the right direction for every 5ml you are deviated from.

Example 1: Extracted total 80 ml in 20 seconds
To do: Turn clockwise towards the – direction, 6 to 8 full rounds
Example 2: Extracted total 10 ml in 20 seconds
To do: Turn anti-clockwise towards the + direction, 6 to 8 full rounds
Step 5: Start using the grinder
Once your grind setting is correct, you can carry on using it by repeating step 2 and 3 every day.
How to use the timer with the dose adjustment control

If you want to depend on the timer to come out with the correct amount of coffee and do away with the measuring of coffee.
You will have to get the grind setting right with step 3 and 4.
Then adjust this analogue control to produce your required amount of coffee.
This requires much more calibration, and it’s not feasible to do it if you make only a few cups a day.
There are two other problems:
- As the amount of coffee gets lesser, the weight of coffee will push out less coffee even with the same setting.
- Whenever you adjust the grind setting, the mass of the particle size and the weight of the dose will be different. So you have to adjust the grind setting and timer again every time the grind setting has been changed.
Frequently asked question
My espresso looks bad. What’s wrong?
The biggest influence on extraction is:
Coffee’s condition > Coffee type > Grind setting > Tamping.
If your coffee is stale, there’s nothing you can do.
If it’s a light roast, it’s expected that the crema is thinner.
If your grind setting is wrong, the water will have difficulty flowing.
As for tamping, you only need to ensure that the coffee is even and not slanted; otherwise, water will just escape from the thinner side.
Ensure the tamp is firm and there are no gaps in the coffee.
Normally tamping is the last thing we suspect to be the cause.
If you are still worried, you can refer to the following video for some tips on tamping:
Any tools or tricks that will help reduce channelling issues?
Most distribution tools or techniques only distribute the coffee powder on the surface. It doesn’t distribute the coffee at the bottom of the basket.
One little trick works
That’s coffee nutation.

This works because the coffee gets pushed to the edge of the basket, filling up all the gaps, so no water seeps through the crevices.
If the nutation is properly done, you will notice that your tamper drops deeper as it compacts the coffee.
You may hurt your wrist if you put too much strength while doing coffee nutation. Excessive force is not necessary.
How to clean the grinder?
The best way to clean the grinder’s burr is to use Pulygrind.
You may also want to brush the nozzle with the provided grinder brush.
Once in a while, we suggest you unscrew the nozzle with a 2.5mm hex key and vacuum the outlet.
Detailed instructions can be found here:
Please ensure that the nozzle gets appropriately aligned when you put it back.
Help! My coffee is not coming out from the grinder!
Three common reasons
- Nozzle choked
- Grinder jammed
- Something hard went in and damaged the grinder.
1 and 2 are the most common reasons. Fortunately, they are usually easy to fix for the user.
Find the instructions to rectify it here:
3 requires us to replace a gear assembly.
Essential things to take note of.
- Never put your finger into the hopper.
- Never wash the burrs. If you do, dry them immediately.
- Do not make wide adjustments. It will jam the grinder. If you need to, adjust while you activate the coffee grinder to grind.
- Never use the coffee grinder for grinding other stuff. Keep the grinder away from coffee that has been fried with other materials like margarine, sugar, maize, etc.
Type.. | Grinder On Demand |
Usage.. | For small environment (Up to 2kg a day) |
Burrs.. | Conic 48 MM |
RPM.. | 900 |
Hopper Capacity.. | 250 Grammes |
Grinding speed.. | 4KG/HR |
UV Protected Hopper.. | Yes (Blue Tint) |
Dosage.. | Yes ( By Timer) |
Place of Production.. | 100% Italy, Milan by Bezzera |
Place of Assembly.. | 100% Italy, Milan by Bezzera (By Hand) |
Dimension.. | 130 x 260 x 400 MM |
Net Weight.. | 4 KG |
Gross Weight.. | 5.5 KG |
Power Supply.. | 230V |
Nominal Power.. | 100W |
Warranty | 1 Year |
Please note that the warranty does not cover the burrs.
The burrs are made with exceptionally strong material. There’s no way it be can be damaged by grinding coffee beans in a year in a non-industrial environment unless abused.
That includes but is not limited to the following:
Usage of coffee grinder to grind other material. Usage of poorly processed beans with stones within, or usage of grinders in a non-domestic environment.
Link to product: Bezzera BB005