Bezzera Water Wand Service Kit
The basic kit for servicing a leaking water wand for most Bezzera espresso machines
This is mainly for addressing stiff joints or leaks around the nut pictured part 55 on the left for Magica, Mitica and Strega. It’s the same nut for BZ07, BZ09, BZ10, BZ13 and Crema
For other leaks around the wand, you may want to refer to: Bezzera Leaking Wand
Delivered in 2-3 working days.
This should work for most Bezzera machines, please pay attention and purchase the right kit for the right model. This kit is for machines manufactured from 29.01.14.
If the top or bottom of wand’s holding nut leaks when you switch on the water wand, then this kit will be needed.
For BZ07 BZ10, BZ13 and Crema
Contains the following
15: 7496072 OR GASKET 121
16: 5471532 SPRING
17: 5190501 COMPLETE CUP
22: 7496073.01 GASKET OR 115 EP856 (Replaced 5494017 OR GASKET 115 EP856)
19: 5493003 GASKET
58: 7496084 GASKET (Connecting part 18)
For Magica, Mitica and Strega
Contains the following.
7: 7496072 OR GASKET 121
8: 5471532 SPRING
9: 5190501 COMPLETE CUP
55: 7496073.01 GASKET OR 115 EP856 (Replaced 5494017 OR GASKET 115 EP856)
58: 7496084 GASKET
5493003 GASKET
Food grade grease may be required but should be applied sparingly.
You will need a 22mm wrench which is not provided. For BZ13 or Crema, you will need a crowfoot wrench.
Youtube instructions from Whole Latte Love
Servicing should be done when the machine is cooled down and not pressurised. The wand should be placed in off position.
Do not overtighten. If leaks persist, you can apply a layer of plumber tape which can withstand high heat on the bottom threads of part 9.
We do not have further instructions.
No guarantee or warranty is given and servicing should be done by a qualified technician.
Kits sold are NOT refundable or returnable.