Bezzera Leaking Wand
Having problem with a Bezzera leaking wand? It’s actually a small issue that is bound to happen from wear and tear.
This is applicable to all Bezzera espresso machines with the joystick steam or wand.
It may also work with similar machines from other brands.
Specifically, this works with the following:
Bezzera BZ07, BZ09, BZ10, BZ13, BZ09, Crema, Unica, Magica, Mitica, Duo, Matrix and Strega
The wands release or hold water and steam via the sealing of gaskets. You control the opening and closing via the knobs which press the valve to open when it’s twisted.
Over time, the gaskets will harden, deform, and they will need replacement. The gaskets are made of food-grade silicone, they are high grade but they don’t last forever.
Another cause of leakage is the lubricant that makes the rotation of your wand smooth is no longer effective. It is also possible that the parts are getting loose due to mishandling.
But the most common reason for the leaks is when the user turn the joystick wands in their locked position too much, this may cause an unexpected tightening and additional compression to the activation button.
In short, it’s usually due to wear and tear. Any brands in the market will have the same issue, just like how brake pads wear out in cars.
It’s impossible to predict, but normally it starts with small leaks. Half the time, they can be rectified without any spare parts needed.
Some users tend to rotate their wands in their locked position a lot, this is unnecessary and sometimes overtighten the knob leading it to constantly compress the activation button and causing leaks.
Be careful of hot surfaces, make sure the machine is cold or use a glove that can insulate heat before performing any repair.
Unplug the machine and make sure that the boiler is not pressurised before doing any repairs
Bezzera Leaking Wand Problem 1 – Leaking continuously from the wand tips
This is a minor issue. Probably while the machine was taken out of the box, it was held at the wand and the wand cap overtightened a little in the process. Or somehow it was over-tightened when the knobs had too much rotation while the knob was twisted and locked.
The solution is as shown in the video above. This is the part list for the water wand and the method works for the steam wand as well.
For BZ07, BZ09, BZ10, BZ13 and Crema

It’s leaking because the cap(part 2) is too tight, leading it to press the button(part 4) and keep the valve open.
This can happen if the user keep rotating the the knob(part 1 and 3), dragging the cap(part2) to screw in tighter.
Take note that for Crema or BZ13, you may need to remove the top panel to reach part the locking nut(part 8).
The two screws can be removed with a 3mm allen key.

- Loosen the cap(part 2) a little should immediately stop the leak.
(To loosen the cap, turn counter clockwise. To tighten, turn clockwise) - If it’s too tight, you may need to loosen the locking nut(part 8) with a wrench(size 22) or use an adjustable wrench.
(To loosen the nut, turn clockwise. To tighten, turn counter clockwise)
For BZ13 and Crema, the nut is located inside the grouphead compartment and you will need to remove the top panel as pictured above - Slightly tighten the locking nut part 8 if necessary once it’s done.
It is important not to over tighten the nut or you may twist the entire wand(part 12) out of alignment.
For Magica, Mitica and Strega

It’s leaking because the cap(part 2) is too tight, leading it to press the button(part 4) and keep the valve open.
This can happen if the user keep rotating the the knob(part 1 and 3), dragging the cap(part2) to screw in tighter.
- Loosen the cap(part 2) a little should immediately stop the leak.
(To loosen the cap, turn counter clockwise. To tighten, turn clockwise) - If it’s too tight, you may need to loosen the locking nut(part 14) with a wrench(size 22) or use an adjustable wrench.
(To loosen the nut, turn clockwise. To tighten, turn counter clockwise) - Slightly tighten the locking nut part 8 if necessary once it’s done.
It is important not to over tighten the nut or you may twist the entire wand(part 63) out of alignment.
The above should work for most of the cases. If that doesn’t work, it means that the gaskets are clogged with limescale. You will need to replace part 7, 10 and 58 for BZ line, or part 12, 60 and 64 for Magica/Mitica/Strega.
Which you can purchase from the following link: Water wand kit
The same can happen to the steam wand, then you will need to buy the appropriate kits from Steam wand service kit
You can also send for maintenance, and we will refurbish the internal components in the wands.
Bezzera Leaking Wand Problem 2 – Leaking from around the nut

Refer to the photo above.
If Point A is leaking:
Tightening a little might just solve it. Use your finger and tighten to the maximum, then use a spanner and tighten another quarter round. Do not overtighten as it can rupture the gasket! If you don’t have a spanner, wrapping the nut with rubber band for a better grip might help.
If tightening helps, I will suggest dabbing a little food-grade grease around the ball joint which you can reach from the bottom of point B. This should be a quick fix to make it last a little longer before the problem returns. You can purchase food grade grease from the following links. Food Grade Grease(Original) or Food Grade Grease(Compatible).
If tightening doesn’t help with that, then you will need to buy steam wand service kit or water wand kit and replace the gaskets.
If Point B or Point C is leaking:
You will need to buy steam wand service kit or water wand kit and replace the gaskets
Leaky wands are expected to happen one day as the gaskets can’t last forever, that’s why they are designed to be easily serviced.
It’s not a bad idea to stock up some spares. It is certainly easier and cheaper to fix it up yourself than lug the machine to us.