Puly Caff Grind Hopper Spray, Green Powered 200ml


The most premium food grade surface cleaner, specifically for the hopper or surfaces with coffee stains.

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Puly Caff Grind Hopper Spray 200ml


H.A.C.C.P Certified in Critical Control Points.
Puly Caff Grind Hopper Spray had been certified that it’s effective to prevent, eliminate, or reduce hazards to an acceptable level.


The Puly Caff Grind Hopper Spray is the missing piece to help barista to clean the grinder hopper easier and safer.

The active ingredients are found from a natural source.

It cleans and sanitizes the internal and external of the grinder hopper.  It deodorises and it has no odor itself. It will also keep the hopper clean for a longer time.

All the barista has to do is spray on the hopper and wipe it, there’s no rinsing required. It removes the rancid oil that are left behind from stale coffee beans.

It is not flammable nor hazardous. It contains no allergens and is free of GMO products or risk BSE / TSE. It is gentle to the hands and stainless steel.

The product is entirely renewable.



1. Remove the beans from the hopper.

2. Have some Puly Caff Grind Hopper sprayed on a cloth and clean the hopper.

3. You can rub till it’s completely dry if necessary.

4. If the hopper can not be removed, spray on the inner wall and clean with cloth till it’s completely dry



Do not switch on the grinder while doing the cleaning. The power should be cut before performing any cleaning process.

Puly Caff is a subsidiary unit from Asachimici group who had been formulating cleaners for the food industry since 1890.
The brand Puly Caff was specially established for the coffee sector, and their products are of the highest premium standard formulated by chemists with baristas.

It is the most preferred brand used by professionals and households in Italy and for most demanding.
Highly recommended by established manufacturers of espresso machines, particularly Bezzera, the engineering family who invented the first espresso machines.

All Puly Caff products are made in Italy.


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