Quality control and trials of gas flushed coffee
We perform regular experiments getting freshly roasted coffee that have been air freighted immediately after roasting. Compared to coffee in the usual lot that has been gas flushed that can store for much longer. This is part of our quality control program to ensure that the packaging is working well to preserve the coffee.
If you have received a coffee with a short best before date, it is likely from the air freight lot that is not protected with gas flushing. It is, however, from a recent roast.
These experiments are for testing if there are remarkable differences between coffee that have stored for months or even a year on gas flush versus coffees that are more recently roasted. So far, our result shows that gas flushed coffees have proved to work very well, exceeding our expectations.
What’s the result?
Here’s a post of one of our results using a medium roast coffee from two years ago.
Stock control after Covid19
Due to the major disruptions during the covid19 period, we overstock to secure more stable pricing that is close to pre-covid19 levels.
2023 Q2 onward, we will restart our usual practice of ordering only enough for 30 to 60 days of inventory. This will mean that there will be a high occurrence of out of stock status or a slight adjustment in price. However, we will receive regular lots of roasted coffee so that our clients have a longer period to stock the coffee.
Looking for the best coffee machines?
Check out these coffee machines from the longest-standing espresso machine company in Italy.
Who has Forbes rated as the best coffee from Italy?
Only one clear winner from a legend. Who is also the international Judge for the Cup of Excellence event, known commonly as the Oscars of Coffee.
Like to try the machines?