Bezzera Single Filter 6 Grams Basket (Up to 8 grams)


Bezzera Single Filter 6 Grams Basket for precise extraction.
This is the type of basket for maestro-level Italian-style baristas.

Note that given its shallow depth, it might not latch well onto the portafilter and may knock out with the coffee.
If you are worried about caffeine intake or want to consider whether you have a level of expertise comparable to Italian baristas.

This is the ultimate test.

The serial number for this basket is: 5471023 or 5471023.01

In stock


    Please note that Bezzera has revised the size of most of their baskets since June 2020.  Please check the serial number on your existing baskets to confirm that you are not ordering the same item.

    The serials are engraved on the side of the basket.

    bezzera 16g 20g basket

    The serials can be in the format of ####### or #######.01.

    These are the correct sizes base on the latest revision.

    Bezzera basket size

Be away from March 28 to April 6, final order will be accepted on March 28 at 12:00 pm, all later orders will be processed upon our return.

Bezzera Single Filter 6 Grams Basket (Up to 8 grams)

Bezzera Single Filter 6 Grams Basket is made of the finest material to last, with precision

Made in Italy

Size: 58MM.

Do note that the Bezzera Single Filter 6 Grams Basket (Up to 8 grams), doesn’t work with all filter holders.

Compatibility chart:

Bezzera Bezzera Bezzera Expobar
E61 BZ Lever E61/Office
Bottomless filter holder Yes No Yes Yes
Single filter holder Yes No Yes Yes
Double filter holder Yes No Yes Yes


We are unable to verify compatibility for all 3th party filter holders.

Fine coffee company is the authorised dealer for the Bezzera Single Filter 6 Grams Basket sold.
We are committed to offer the best accompanying accessories to complement the experience of every user.
Do remember that by any orders submitted or paid, is an agreement to all disclaimers and conditions on the website.
Please feel free to submit any queries from the given link on the website.

Link to official website: Bezzera Accessories

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